1. 工信部自然灾害防治技术装备工程化攻关专项项目,港口大雾大风复合雷达,任务负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,对流层臭氧的探测与监测新技术,任务负责人
2. 中国地区云垂直结构及其热动力特征的探空研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目负责人
3. 平流层长航时飞行原位及下投观测,中国科学院战略性先导专项子课题,项目负责人
1. The Earth Summit Mission-2022: Successful ozone soundings contribute to source identification in the north Mt. Qomolangma region. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2024, SCI, 第1作者
2. Long-term ozone variability in the vertical structure and integrated column over the North China Plain: Results based on ozonesonde and Dobson measurements during 2001-2019, Environmental Research Letters, 2021, SCI, 第1作者
3. Deep stratospheric intrusion and Russian wildfire induce enhanced tropospheric ozone pollution over the northern Tibetan Plateau, Atmospheric Research, 2021, SCI, 第1作者
4. Radiation profiles from the surface up to the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, SCI, 第1作者
5. Aerosol variations in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2020, SCI, 第1作者
6. Cloud-top temperature inversion derived from long-term radiosonde measurements at the ARM TWP and NSA sites. Atmospheric Research, 2020, SCI, 第1作者
7. First in situ UV profile across the UTLS accompanied by ozone measurement over the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Environmental Sciences,2020, SCI, 第1作者
8. Radiation and aerosol measurements over the Tibetan Plateau during the Asian summer monsoon period. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2020, SCI, 第1作者
9. A 17-year climatology of temperature inversions above clouds over the ARM SGP site: The roles of cloud radiative effects. Atmospheric Research, 2020, SCI, 第1作者
10. In situ measurements and backward-trajectory analysis of high-concentration, fine-mode aerosols in the UTLS over the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 2019, SCI, 第1作者